A 5 month old beef calf sired by top 5 Angus bull True North. He displays promising muscling and fat distribution, along with an impressive, stable condition. He weighs roughly 500 pounds.
An 8 month old Jersey bull sired by Covington Khafre. He is homozygous polled, A2/A2, and has great form characteristics. He boasts large testicles, which will give him an advantage in semen production for breeding.
A 10 month old Jersey/Limousin cross bull. He is A2/A2 and heterozygous polled. He has a striking coloration – red-brown with stripes of brindle. Being 10 months, he is ready to enter the breeding world as your own herd sire.
An 8 month old Jersey bull that is both homozygous polled and A2/A2. He is very gentle and friendly. expressing a highly desirable temperament for a bull of his age. He holds a good condition and shape.